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What is Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain is any pain that lasts beyond expected healing time after injury or illness, generally 3 to 6 months. It is a common and complex condition, and the pain experienced can be anything from mild to severe. The defining characteristic of chronic pain is that it is ongoing and experienced on most days of the week.

Many people struggle to find effective treatments for chronic pain, and are five times more likely to seriously limit their daily activities, affecting their ability to take part in work, social and familial life. 

However, there are new, evidence-based tools to help manage chronic pain, including hypnosis. 

What are the Different Pain Types? 

When it comes to pain, it's important to recognize that it has both physical and psychological dimensions. This is because pain isn't just a straightforward physical sensation; it can be much more complex, influenced by both the body and the mind. Understanding these two aspects of pain is crucial for effective treatment and relief.

Here, we will explore together the different classifications of pain. On the physical side, we can categorize pain as nociceptive, arising from tissue damage, and neuropathic, caused by dysfunction within the nervous system itself.  Then, the emotional/subconscious aspects of pain fall under the umbrella of neuroplastic pain. 

By gaining a better understanding of these classifications – nociceptive, neuropathic (physical), and neuroplastic (emotional/subconscious) – you'll gain some clarity about your own experience and empower yourself to effectively communicate your pain during our first session.


As your hypnotherapist, I acknowledge that both types of pain are valid experiences. When you describe your pain in your own words and the detailed outcome you desire to achieve, it helps me understand your unique experience and beliefs surrounding it. This allows me to tailor your hypnotherapy treatment plan to best address your specific needs for the best possible results.

Train tracks leading into the distance.
Pain whispers a message –
a message about boundaries, about needing rest, about the incredible capacity of your body to mend. By acknowledging this message and responding with care, you transform pain into a teacher, guiding you on the path to a life woven with strength, resilience, and a deeper understanding of your body's wisdom.

How does Hypnotherapy offer relief for Different Pain Types?

Katherine sitting at her desk with a coffee.

Chronic pain often lingers long after an injury heals because the nervous system can become hypersensitive. Imagine the nervous system as a complex network of communication pathways. When you experience an injury, these pathways transmit pain signals to the brain. Over time, chronic pain can cause these pathways to become overly sensitive, even firing pain signals when there's no physical damage. While traditional treatments focus on the physical aspects of pain, many people find themselves searching for a more holistic approach. 

As a hypnotherapist specializing in pain management, I'm here to offer you a holistic approach. I work with you to find ways to ease the discomfort you're feeling and uncover any emotional or psychological triggers that might be influencing it. By tackling pain from all angles, we can aim for long-term relief and healing solutions using the powerful tool of hypnosis that harnesses the mind-body connection to directly influence pain perception and your emotional well-being.

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What Can Hypnotherapy Treat?

Hypnotherapy is a versatile tool for addressing a wide range of issues, and here with a particular focus on both the physical and emotional aspects of pain management. There's a high likelihood that hypnotherapy can be helpful for your specific pain issue. I help clients find relief from chronic pain conditions, while also addressing the emotional aspects that can contribute to or exacerbate the pain, such as: Anxiety, PTSD, trauma, depression, stress, sleep problems, and difficulty coping with limitations.


Here is a list of some of the pain areas I can help with:​

  • Injury Pain

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Arthritis Pain

  • Back Pain

  • Post-surgical Pain

  • Cancer Pain

  • Chronic Pelvic Pain

  • Phantom limb pain

  • Burns

  • Skin Disorders

  • Tension Headaches and Migraines

  • Rheumatic Pain

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Pain

  • Crohn's Disease Pain

  • Endometriosis Pain

  • Jaw Clenching and Teeth Grinding

Here's how hypnotherapy can become your anchor in the face of chronic pain:

Quieting the Signals:  Imagine the nervous system as a complex communication network. Hypnosis, through deep relaxation and focused attention, can help regulate these pain signals at their root. Think of it as turning down the volume on the pain messages reaching your brain. A sharp, intrusive pain might transform into a dull ache, or you might create a mental buffer zone that distances you from the discomfort. This shift in perception can significantly improve your ability to manage chronic pain. 

Empowering You to Cope:  Chronic pain often creates a vicious cycle with stress and anxiety, amplifying the pain experience. Hypnotherapy disrupts this cycle by equipping you with powerful coping mechanisms.  Through relaxation techniques and self-hypnosis exercises learned during sessions, you'll gain the tools to effectively manage stress and anxiety. Think of it like dimming the spotlights that illuminate your pain. By calming your nervous system and promoting feelings of peace, the overall burden of pain is significantly reduced.

Unveiling Hypnotherapy's Diverse Toolkit

Hypnosis goes beyond simply reducing pain intensity. It offers a comprehensive approach that empowers you to take an active role in your own healing journey:

Reshaping Your Pain Narrative: Our subconscious beliefs about pain can have a surprising impact on its intensity. Hypnotherapy can help address these underlying beliefs. By replacing negative thoughts with more positive or empowering ones, you can shift your focus towards self-management and coping strategies.

Beyond the Surface: Behavioral Change: Hypnotherapy facilitates positive behavioral changes that contribute to pain management. As your hypnotherapist, I may guide you through self-hypnosis exercises, relaxation techniques, and guided imagery/ visualization practices, all becoming powerful tools for managing discomfort.


A pocket watch representing the time it takes to heal.

How effective is hypnotherapy for chronic pain?

Katherine De Buisson sitting in front of her laptop.

Working as a hypnotherapist, I've witnessed firsthand the transformative power of hypnosis in helping people manage chronic pain. It's truly inspiring to see clients move from feeling burdened by their condition to taking back control and experiencing a greater sense of well-being.  While everyone's journey is unique, what resonates deeply is the resilience and hope that flourishes within them as they discover their own inner resources for healing. This journey of pain management isn't just about reducing discomfort; it's about empowering individuals to reclaim a life of greater ease and possibility.

Hypnotherapy has emerged as a recognized and effective therapeutic approach for managing chronic pain for decades. This growing body of evidence highlights its potential to improve quality of life for a significant portion of the population struggling with chronic pain.


Click below to explore some key findings from scientific research that demonstrate the efficacy of hypnosis in pain management.

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